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我是码可示公司的CEO,Mark,5年前我创立了现在的公司,研发和制造阀门式工业喷标机。 我非常希望在全世界各地找到合作伙伴,所以,如果你可以用母语在当地网站发布下面这个招商项目,你可以按发布网站的数量获得酬劳。 I am CEO of Marks, which was founded by me 5 years ago, developing and manufacturing valve -type Industrial DOD inkjet . I really hope to find partners in the whole world, therefore, if you can publish the following project proposals for investment on local website in mother language, you can get reward by website numbers published. 以下是发布项目内容: The following are contents to be published: Marks marking corporation 一家 工业喷标机(Industrial DOD inkjet )的 专业制造商。无论是 水泥厂,化工厂,酒厂和食品制造商,都可以用Marks1016工业喷标机进行在线包装标记。 Marks公司自主研发的高频微型电磁阀喷墨技术,配合高附着力的喷印墨水,可以提高工厂业主的在线印刷效率,比接触式印刷效率提高两倍。 Marks marking corporation is one professional manufacturer for Industrial DOD inkjet. Manufacturers for cement plants, chemical plants, wineries and food can use Marks1016 Industrial DOD inkjet to mark on online package. High frequency micro electromagnetic valve ink jet technology self-developed by Marks can improve owners’ online printing efficiency with High adhesion jet printing ink, which increases two times than that of contact-type printing efficiency. 无论你在使用哪种语言,Marks1016友好的人机交互界面,跨越地域和语言的阻碍,30分钟即可会操作。编辑图形也无需连接PC。 No matter which language you use, Marks1016 friendly man-machine interaction interface can overcome obstacles in terms of region and language, which can be operated after 30 minutes. It is not necessary to connect PC to edit graph. 阀门式工业喷标机 在印度没有制造商,而印度做为亚洲制造大国,工业标示设备处于上升期。 There is no manufacturer in India for Valve-type Industrial DOD inkjet. However, as a large manufacturing country in Asia, its industrial marking equipment is at the rising stage. 今天,Marks公司希望与(印度)当地的包装机械公司或同行抓住市场上升的契机,共同成立合资企业开发当地市场,共同创造财富。 Today, Marks hopes to grasp such rising market opportunity with local package machinery company or the person in the same industry to establish joint venture as well as develop local market, creating wealth together. 同时我们在进行股权融资。